I’m dedicated to supporting community organizations through pro-bono consulting work.


the sustainable living project

recent Case Study

The Sustainable Living Project is a Tampa-based 501c3 urban farm and education center. The organization provides educational programs to the community and offers 34 garden beds supported by veterans, a chicken coop, beehives, a compost station, and a greenhouse with aquaponics.

Learn more at slptampa.com.

The Sustainable Living Project (SLP), a Tampa-based urban garden and education center, sought a refresh of its strategy in 2022 as many facets of the organization and their audience changed following the COVID-19 pandemic.

The one-acre garden property, which includes a greenhouse, chicken coop, compost station, 34 garden beds, and more, was in need of a transformation that would deliver physical improvements and enhancements to its marketing, financial, and volunteer strategies.


SLP’s Executive Director and Board asked for help reimagining the future of SLP—both its on-site presence and the operational elements of the organization.

Our team led the creation of a multi-year strategic plan “Target 2024” that recalibrated SLP’s vision, mission, and strategic priorities to align with the needs of the community.

This included defining 38 objectives, designing tactical implementation plans for each area, launching an updated partnership strategy, performing a brand refresh, and commissioning 10+ pieces of concept art for the property’s improvements.

Target 2024 was formally launched in November 2022 and we continue to support SLP’s pursuit of their strategic roadmap.


The launch of Target 2024 and implementation of its strategic initiatives is enabling SLP to…

  • Pursue its partnership strategy across the Tampa area, resulting in more and stronger partner relationships

  • Reach more students and people interested in sustainable living practices

  • Enhance its value proposition to the local neighborhood and community

  • Scale, grow, and develop as a leading example of sustainable urban gardens

  • Build a recurring funding model

  • Develop a library of brand collateral and materials that support its initiatives






Note: Concept art imagery was drawn by a contracted artist; graphic design work for all SLP collateral and materials performed by Danny Loomans.


I’m searching for more community organizations to help in 2023 with strategic, marketing, partnership, operational, and transformational planning.

Let me know you’re interested in partnership on a strategic effort by reaching out. Tell me a bit more about yourself, your organization, and your objectives.

All non-profit categories welcome, excluding religious- and political-affiliated organizations.

Looking forward to connecting with you and your team!

Note: Submission does not constitute confirmation of consulting support.