it’s great to meet you

I’m Danny Loomans

Get to know me and my reason for being in this transparent, not-so-brief biography

Growing up in the mid-sized city of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, I was introduced to the cultural traditions of living in the midwestern United States at a young age. Sundays in autumn were reserved for Packers games. Summer evenings included cooking brats and burgers on the grill. The frigid and snowy weather of winter often lasted from November through March—or later.

My upbringing in Fond du Lac also taught me the importance of family, good manners, and maintaining a strong work ethic. My father often insisted that if you are going to do something, do it well or not do it at all.

He also taught me that what I may lack in knowledge can often be overcome by working hard. As someone who privately struggled with reading, math, and other skills that seemed to come more naturally to my peers, working hard seemed to be the only way I could ever get ahead in life.

My father’s advice served me incredibly well. From a young age I have felt particularly compelled to put my all into everything. At any given moment during high school I would simultaneously be balancing classwork, several extracurriculars, a part-time job, and a side project or two. And I seem to have only become busier since leaving Fond du Lac nearly a decade ago.

But, indeed, my Midwestern roots run deep. My friends, colleagues, and clients often enjoy teasing me about my vowel-heavy accent (and will regularly chuckle when I say words like ‘bag’ or ‘milk’).

I am a true sucker for a deep-fried cheese curd, consider Packers games a religious obligation, enjoy the changing of the seasons, and maintain tremendous pride in my Wisconsin and family heritage.

My Midwestern roots will always be a source of gratitude and appreciation—for I recognize the immense privilege afforded to me in my upbringing and have come to realize just how much my life was shaped by the events of my childhood.


In 2014 after graduating high school, I moved to Chicago to study at DePaul University, eventually earning a Bachelors of Science in Business with majors in Marketing and Management. I concentrated in Sales Leadership and Change Management, great areas of study that built on my interest in these areas.

While in school I uncovered my fascination with topics ranging from economic development to urban planning, personal development to goal setting theory. I was fortunate to exercise these interests in several internships between 2015 and 2017 including at the Chicago Loop Alliance, World Business Chicago, and Salesforce.

Additionally, my involvement in DePaul’s Center for Sales Leadership confirmed my enjoyment of the fields of go-to-market and commercial strategy—areas of expertise I would later put to work.

In 2017 I joined Ernst & Young as an entry-level consultant, contributing to a variety of projects in the technology, financial services, and manufacturing industries.

While developing my skills as a young consultant, I started what became a multi-year passion project to document my paternal family history—dating back hundreds of years to the Netherlands. The effort resulted in a detailed family tree, a book of stories and artifacts, a family reunion held in 2021, and a large portion of this website which acts as an digital ancestry archive.

Outside of my professional role and work in the realm of family history, I actively support several non-profits through volunteer work and pro-bono consulting, including The Sustainable Living Project (SLP), a Tampa-based urban education center and garden. The work performed at SLP is among my favorite extracurricular activities—providing me space to roll up my sleeves and contribute.

Professionally I now serve as a Director in the Revenue and Customer Transformation Practice at FTI Consulting helping clients unlock new pathways to market, optimize their commercial teams, and deliver their revenue agendas. I am fortunate to work with and learn from incredible clients, colleagues, and leaders.


The term zest is defined as having great enthusiasm and energy—and for me it’s a critical ingredient to living life to the fullest.

Every day I enjoy finding ways to harvest joy. Whether it’s taking a morning jog, getting in a productive workout, dancing to the music of Fleetwood Mac or Bleachers, singing in the shower to Shania Twain, chasing my lovable Dachshund Oscar around the apartment, enjoying a glass of wine with friends, volunteering at The Sustainable Living Project, traveling to spots old and new, or sharing incredible adventures with my partner, Jason, I find it among life’s most special treasures being able to experience the world for all it offers.

I am not ignorant of my privilege and good fortune. I am lucky to wake up in the morning with the opportunity to experience these things and live in a way that is consistent with my values and what I want. Not everyone has the same privilege.

My hope with this website, and the interests and hobbies I have chosen to showcase to the world here, is to encourage others of all backgrounds to explore new interests, develop their passions, and pursue their own ‘zest for life’ in a way that excites, inspires, and makes them feel full.

It is my deepest belief that we are naturally a part of each others’ stories. I’m eager to learn from you, connect with you, and trade learnings that will help us grow.